Age: 125
7990 days old here
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Canada, Canada
thank u scotchtape! see peeps?!?! she looks VERY good in real life. pics do her no justice.....see her in person and she looks 10 times better!! NFAKFan38013.3470023148
Age: 125
7990 days old here
Total Posts: 3942
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Canada, Canada
friend_16 said:
nahi live without makeup deekha hai kia?? makeup main tu koi bhee acha laag sakta hai.. magar without makeup har koi acha nahi lagta..
nai jee! usne very tora saa makeup lagaya va tha!
we were in a LONG lineup at lahore's airport aur sadia imam humaray peechay thee!! so my mom started talkin' 2 her. i had absolutely NO idea who she was, cause at the time (last year) i didn't know ANY model from pk. lol. lekin bottom line....she was wearin' very little makeup, and she looked VERY good!!
Age: 125
7990 days old here
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Canada, Canada
u're good @ these low blows eh?! lol.
u're directin' that 2 me and MANY others on this board who ALSO happend 2 be lolly fans. lol. and ain't all of 'em as nice as me. so watch u're back. lol.
Age: 125
7990 days old here
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Canada, Canada
EXACTLY. i've said i'm a huge lollywood fan, and i've said countless times that we're BEGINNING to make good movies. but i've also maintained that in comparison to bollywood or hollywood....we SUCK movie wise. just cause i'm a lollywood fan doesn't mean i have to be unrealistic. therefore, theres no contradiction.
Age: 125
7990 days old here
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Canada, Canada
i know paki lion distorts what i say, but now u're havin' problems readin' 2 slik chik?!?!!!! lol.
i never said we make 'up-2-par' movies. lol. i said we have a bunch of 'em on tap, and i said i enjoy watchin' them.....but never did i say that we make outstanding movies (quality wise). so where's the contradiction?!?!?!!!
and who said we got rid of the gainda-saur....i mean, saima?!!!?! LOL.
Age: 125
7990 days old here
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Canada, Canada
friend_16 said:
well everybody has her/his own point of view.. some thinks she is pretty.. some thinks she is attractive.. but if someone has seen her live.. then i think she/he has seen the reality of her.. she is attractive just on screen.. these tv artists use so many creams n stuff to look pretty.. but in real life they aren't so pretty..
not tru!! i've seen sadia imam live and up close @ lahore's airport!! she really IS goodlookin'!!!
Age: 125
7990 days old here
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Canada, Canada
paki lion said:
coz u are saying saima is the best actrice and she is the queen of lollywood! and if any indian sees this comments then he will laugh at us..but thanx god that comments is ur own view!
yup! its my view/opinion that she's the best; and my opinion is based on personal expreience (watching her movies) based on countless articles i have read stating the same thing (she's the best), and not 2 mention based on the suggestion of other actresses (resham, noor, veena etc.)!
i've already explained/provided proof 2 u, but u choose 2 ignore it, so i've decided to stop having this conversation with u!! u're repetitive comments, r getting old. lol. NFAKFan38011.0570949074
Age: 125
7990 days old here
Total Posts: 3942
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Canada, Canada
holy! where do u get all these pics so quickly scotchtape?! lol. its amazing man. and u always drop by, when there's a pic 2 be shown. lol. keep it up bro! lol.
and yeah....reema looks good. she'll represent pk nicely.